Take attendance online

Using multiple different systems to perform different tasks is inefficient and wastes teacher time. By using ePraise for taking registers (alongside achievment, behaviour, seating plans, homework and assessment) teachers can devote more time to what they do best.

Attendance is part of our writeback feature and enables the taking of both lesson and session registers. It also enables an incredibly useful overview for managing attendance across lessons, sessions and individuals - great for SLT and attendance supervisors.

Computer with attendance visuals

Registers made easy

Settings cog


Mark all students present with the click of a button

Tick symbol


Mark students in, late or absent

Plus symbol


Tap, type or click to add marks



Track how late students are and leave comments



Switch between classes and registration groups with ease

Paper clip

See more

Photos displayed alongside student names

Text bubble


See registration marks alongside lesson marks

Analysis graph


Identify lates, absences and missing marks

What does it look like?

We don't want to give too much away, but here's a few screenshots to give you an idea. If you'd like to see more, why not book a demo?

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