Our online behaviour management system
Behaviour management is one of the most important aspects of supporting student progress in lessons. Teachers are quite rightly expected to ensure that all students are both well behaved and fully engaged in their education, however sometimes this can be a significant challenge.
Prevention is better than cure, so much of ePraise is dedicated to positive reinforcement tools, such as praise points, digital badges and certificates. We know however, that this isn't always enough, so we've come up with some tools to help teachers manage poor behaviour and also provide support to any students that need it - we think you'll love how easy it is! When students misbehave it's extremely easy to record all the right details in order to start building up a record of what students are doing wrong and apply a sanction such as a detention, time out or phone call when necessary. ePraise allows you to work out when and how often things are happening and schools often make demerits and interventions visible to parents, which can lead to a big improvement in student behaviour. School leaders are able to carefully analyse incidents at multiple levels, from an individual up to the entire school and everything in between.