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Recent updates - February 2025

We're kicking off 2025 with two fantastic new features - check-ins and class passes - designed to help schools improve staff and student wellbeing. As usual, there's also plenty of smaller improvements too.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordFebruary 2025  - 4 minute read
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Recent updates - November 2024

We've been working on our prize draws functionality, with a new draw type and lots of user experience improvements throughout. We've also added several smaller updates including improvements to our graphs and charts.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordNovember 2024  - 4 minute read
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Recent updates - September 2024

It's the back-to-school season in the Northern Hemisphere and the team has been working hard on some brand new functionality to help schools boost well-being and build positive relationships with students.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordSeptember 2024  - 4 minute read
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Recent updates - April 2024

It's been a few months since our last update and we've been working on a number of exciting updates, including improvements to our report an incident or concern feature, as part of this year's student wellbeing focus. Read all about them in the latest updates blog.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordApril 2024  - 4 minute read
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Effective Behaviour Management

What is effective behaviour management and what impact can it have in your school? Join Ben Dunford as he discusses some strategies you can use to improve behaviour in your classroom.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordJanuary 2024  - 5 minute read
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Recent updates - November 2023

This month we launched our new student details page and completed our AWS migration. Read about these and several other updates in this month's updates blog.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordNovember 2023  - 3 minute read
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Recent updates - October 2023

Read about the latest updates to the ePraise platform, including big changes to our supporting technologies, our planned migration to AWS and several smaller incremental improvements.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordOctober 2023  - 3 minute read
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Firefly Learning joins Veracross

We are delighted to announce that Firefly Learning has joined the Veracross family. As you may know, Veracross is a leading provider of cloud-based School Information Systems (SIS/ MIS) designed to meet the unique needs of independent schools. Veracross is headquartered in Wakefield, Massa...

Staff profile picture Simon HayFebruary 2023  - 7 minute read
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The rise of parental engagement

When I first started teaching, parental engagement consisted of yearly reports, yearly parents' evenings and a phone call home to the same few parents every other week. Parents had no access to live student data and had no way to communicate directly with teachers other than picking up the...

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordApril 2022  - 3 minute read
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Introducing Firefly on Teams - A new generation of tools for Microsoft schools

With many schools using Microsoft Teams with their students, we are delighted to announce the release of Firefly on Teams, our first joint venture since joining forces with the Firefly Learning team…

Staff profile picture Rob EastmentMay 2021  - 7 minute read
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ePraise joins Firefly Learning

We are delighted to announce the exciting news that Firefly and ePraise are now part of the same family. By working together, we believe that our shared desire to improve the education experience for students, teachers and parents can be accelerated…

Staff profile picture Staff profile picture Ben Dunford & Simon HayMarch 2021  - 7 minute read
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Return to school: How ePraise can help part 2

Over the last year schools around the world have had to adapt quickly to the ever-changing situation presented by the spread of coronavirus. They have had to rapidly adopt systems to help support their school communities under unprecedented circumstances. With the return to school in the U...

Staff profile picture Staff profile picture Kelsey de Beer & Tracey DraperMarch 2021  - 4 minute read
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Return to school: How ePraise can help part 1

After many months of working and learning from home, schools in the UK will be returning for all students from the 8th March. There will be all kinds of emotions felt around this time, excitement to catchup with friends again, anxiety about missed learning and some apprehension about retur...

Staff profile picture Staff profile picture Kelsey de Beer & Tracey DraperMarch 2021  - 3 minute read
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Remote parents' evenings

Parent's evenings are an important part of the school calendar; one of the few chances a parent and a teacher have to sit down and discuss how things are going. But what do you do during the global COVID-19 pandemic, when parents aren't allowed into a school? We have a few ideas…

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordNovember 2020  - 3 minute read
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Rewards systems: Running a shop

Students work exceptionally hard, they hand in their homework on time, they're well-mannered, timely to class, and in turn (in most cases) receive recognition whether that's through acknowledgement by a statement of praise or through a system of rewarding like points or stars added to a ch...

Staff profile picture Kelsey de BeerJune 2020  - 4 minute read
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Lockdown: Around the world

Coronavirus has had an unprecedented effect on our educational system here in the UK, from people calling out for online resources to systems relying on parents to tutor their children. At ePraise we don't just work with schools in the UK, which got us wondering what schools in other parts...

Staff profile picture Robin HanselaarJune 2020  - 5 minute read
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Lockdown: An edtech perspective

It's now two months since the UK's Covid-19 'lockdown' began and although the end is nowhere in sight and we're not expecting schools to fully open any time soon, we thought it would be interesting to look back at how these circumstances have affected ePraise and what actions we've taken t...

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordMay 2020  - 5 minute read
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What is the impact of praise and recognition on children?

With the need for more positive reinforcement while children adapt to a new remote learning routine, we explored the key educational studies to understand the impact that recognising achievements has on young learners, including the 'do's and dont's' of praise for schools to be aware of…

Staff profile picture Team ePraiseMay 2020  - 4 minute read
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Coronavirus: Covid-19 and school closures

Coronavirus has had an unprecedented effect on our educational system here in the UK, from people calling out for online resources to systems relying on parents to tutor their children. At ePraise we don't just work with schools in the UK, which got us wondering what schools in other parts...

Staff profile picture Team ePraiseApril 2020  - 3 minute read