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Recent updates - November 2024

We've been working on our prize draws functionality, with a new draw type and lots of user experience improvements throughout. We've also added several smaller updates including improvements to our graphs and charts.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordNovember 2024 - 4 minute read

Prize draws

Available now

Our prize draws feature has always been a popular way to engage students and reward them for their hard work. We're always amazed at the creativity of schools in using it for all manner of exciting prizes and awards.

This year we wanted to make some improvements to the feature, and we're excited to share that these are now live.

We've rebuilt many parts of the interface to make it easier to use and more intuitive. Nominations lists, purchases lists, and winners lists are now all easier to access and manage from a single, central location.

Nominated draws have seen the biggest improvements. Now, staff nominating a child will be able to leave a reason for the nomination. Even better - you can now set up winner selection to be manual for these nominated draws, meaning administrators can choose based on the nominations received.

ePraise nominated prize draws feature

Graph and charts

Available now

Graphs and charts are really important in helping schools, students and parents understand the data in our platform. We've made a few improvements throughout the site to make these more useful and easier to understand.

Most notably, this includes some nice colours, that will adjust to the content better than before.

ePraise student profile

Other notable improvements

Available now

As always, we've been working on a long list of smaller incremental improvements - here are some examples:

  • We've added a new Groups > Houses page, facilitating staff bulk awarding students within a house context, viewing data sheets, and more.
  • We've added the ability to escalate interventions directly from the interventions overview.
  • We've added lots of new links between sections to make navigating between user profiles and other sections much easier.
  • We've improved ePraise's understanding of various year groups such as Junior Kindergarten.
  • We've improved several exports with things such as better date formatting.
  • We've got a new logo! All Veracross products now have a new logo, as part of the launch of Veracross 360.
  • And much more!

Wellbeing check-ins

Coming soon

We're building a new way for schools to ensure student wellbeing with a regular check-in. We'll have more to share soon, but if you're interested it providing feedback, please get in touch with your CSM to let us know.

Class passes

Coming soon

Students being out of lessons without good reason has become a big problem for many schools and we want to help schools tackle this wellbeing issue with better visibility and insight into what is happening.

Push notification options

Coming soon

We'll be adding some new settings for students, teachers and staff, to allow them to customise their mobile app push notifications in the coming weeks.

Want to find out more?

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Recent updates - February 2025

We're kicking off 2025 with two fantastic new features - check-ins and class passes - designed to help schools improve staff and student wellbeing. As usual, there's also plenty of smaller improvements too.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordFebruary 2025  - 4 minute read
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Recent updates - September 2024

It's the back-to-school season in the Northern Hemisphere and the team has been working hard on some brand new functionality to help schools boost well-being and build positive relationships with students.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordSeptember 2024  - 4 minute read
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Recent updates - April 2024

It's been a few months since our last update and we've been working on a number of exciting updates, including improvements to our report an incident or concern feature, as part of this year's student wellbeing focus. Read all about them in the latest updates blog.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordApril 2024  - 4 minute read
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Effective Behaviour Management

What is effective behaviour management and what impact can it have in your school? Join Ben Dunford as he discusses some strategies you can use to improve behaviour in your classroom.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordJanuary 2024  - 5 minute read
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Recent updates - November 2023

This month we launched our new student details page and completed our AWS migration. Read about these and several other updates in this month's updates blog.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordNovember 2023  - 3 minute read
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Recent updates - October 2023

Read about the latest updates to the ePraise platform, including big changes to our supporting technologies, our planned migration to AWS and several smaller incremental improvements.

Staff profile picture Ben DunfordOctober 2023  - 3 minute read